Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Increase Fuel Economy in Your All Terrain Vehicle

Importance of Knowing About Fuel Efficiency of your ATV's

ATV used in Farm
         Fuel economy and miles per gallon were not a problem that you used to hear most people bring up when it comes to ATVs. Nowadays, world of crushing oil prices and rising fuel costs, it has begun to come up more and more often. This is especially true in industries such as farming and ranching in which all terrain vehicles are not used for pleasure; instead, they are used in most of the work done in the farm.  And as such, they are evaluated as to the return they yield on the investment they require. If an ATV, or even an entire fleet of them, is burning or releasing too much gas, then it could have affect  on a ranch or farm's health and bottom line profits.

Ways to Maximize the Fuel Savings in your All Terrain Vehicle

Tune-Up. Every engine needs to be tuned up from time to time to improve its performance. ATV's are no different from cars in this respect.

Weight. Lesser the load will decrease the amount of fuel consumed in any vehicle.

Aerodynamics. The simple physics behind helping wind flow over a vehicle applies to race cars as well as ATVs. Less drag, less power needed.

Additives. The stuff commonly found on shelves is designed to be added to 20 gallon tanks or bigger. A capful every half-dozen or so fill-ups is all you need.

Wide-Open. One of the simplest ways to increase your ATV is backing off the throttle and riding not carelessly.

Air Pressure. Running uneven tire pressure can lower fuel efficiency by 15%

         In a lot of ways you can look at your ATV as if a racing car you want to improve fuel efficiency. Applying these ways, can have your ATV's fuel economy well over the 40 mpg mark.

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