Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hypermiling Methods For Fuel Economy

Hypermiling is a way to get the maximum fuel efficiency out of your hybrid or traditional car. Basic tips are easy to find and probably help you save a few MPGs off on your daily commute, but now it's time to get serious!It is a method of increasing your car's gas mileage by making skillful changes in the way you drive, allowing you to save gas and thereby have an easier time withstanding the rising oil and gas prices. Know some tips from me.

  Here are the four techniques for stretching your gas mileage:

Technique #1 Get drafted.

Drafting is intentionally tailgating a larger vehicle, though not recommended because it is so dangerous. Drafting allows you to take advantage of the decreased wind resistance that comes from being behind a large vehicle, like a semi-truck. Putting your car in neutral while doing this, according to the hypermiling fanatics we found in several forums, will really increase fuel efficiency. Even worse, the really crazy hypermilers even turn off their cars in these situations...just to save a few more pennies. I chose life!

Technique #2 Stop the idling.

One of the biggest fuel-suckers is leaving your car idling. Whether you are in line at the drive-through, or waiting in the driveway for your passengers - idling is killing your fuel efficiency. Run into the bank rather than use the drive-thru, and shut your car off while you wait for the kids to get out of school. Plus, the lines inside the bank, pharmacy, or fast-food joint are typically shorter than those in the drive-through, so you aren't just saving gas, you're saving money as 

Technique #3 The reverse-kill-park.

When you pull into a parking spot, kill the engine as soon as you are fully stopped, then put the car in park. This decreases some of the idle time while you shift through the gears. It saves just a small amount each time, but like many other hypermiling practices, the savings really add up over many years. If you drive a stick shift, this one might better be described as kill-low gear-ebrake! This one sounds really dangerous, but it is just another simple trick. 

Technique #4 Take your time and map it out.

 By knowing where to go or by finding routes for your routine drives, you can increase fuel efficiency. Take note of how many hills or stop lights there are on certain routes and avoid them if possible. Driving a few extra miles at a steady pace, or with a lot of coasting will actually get you better mileage than a shorter drive with more stop-and-go situations. Lots of hypermile experts also chose to drive when traffic is less busy, so start watching for that 3rd shift job opportunity!

Always be safe and use common sense when applying hypermiling techniques with your hybrid vehicle.

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