Saturday, January 7, 2012

Motorcycle Models – Best Fuel Efficient

Bests Fuel Efficient Motorcycle Models
         The words fuel and efficiency are on the tip of almost everyone's tongue when talking about modern day motoring. It has gotten to the point where even the most fuel efficient cars are not efficient enough to be an economical investment because of the outrageous prices that have been bestowed on gasoline throughout recent years. Many people are seeking for a more fuel efficient means of transportation and have come up with a simple solution; a motorcycle.
Kawasaki Ninja 250R
        It is pretty obvious that a motorcycle is going to get better fuel economy than a car, but there are actually motorcycles out there that are less fuel efficient than cars. Either way though, if fuel efficiency is what you are looking for then there will be motorcycles out there that do it better than others. One of the most popular motorcycles out there for fuel efficiency as well as cost to buy is the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. This popular little motorcycle weighs in with a price tag of around only $3,000 which is significantly cheaper than what it would cost to purchase most other bikes brand new. Along with its cheap cost to purchase, the Kawasaki Ninja 250R gets more than 60 miles to the gallon, with some riders raving that they get more 70 plus miles per gallon.

       Most modern motorcycles put any car to shame when it comes to using gas efficiently, with some motorcycles reaching well over 60 miles to the gallon. Motorcycles are naturally intimidating because they do not provide the security of an automobile, but can still go just as fast. Naturally, an accident that occurs on a motorcycle is most likely going to be much worse than that in a regular car or truck, which leaves a lot of people a little leery of purchasing a motorcycle. Still though, there are many other people out there who can see the benefits of driving a motorcycle over a regular automobile.
           The Kawasaki Ninja 250R is a great bike for beginners because it is cheap, fuel efficient and still packs enough power to have fun (a great selling point for seasoned riders as well). Most motorcycles will get a fuel efficiency range of somewhere between 40 to 70 miles per gallon. However, there are motorcycles out there that get as low as 21 miles per gallon, but those motorcycles usually pack a lot of power and are usually meant for racing. As if a motorcycle was not already a more fuel efficient choice against a car, even more fuel can be saved if the motorcycle is used properly. If you have a soft touch on the throttle, then a bike that averages 60 miles per gallon, could in fact reach 70 miles per gallon.
       The fact is, that if everyone were to ride motorcycles instead of drive automobiles, the environment will be healthier, your wallet would be healthier, as well as the gas supply becoming more conservative because it is not used as much. The Kawasaki Ninja 250R is one of the best motorcycles out there when it comes to fuel efficiency and cost to purchase, but there are in fact many different motorcycles out there that fare just as well. More research can be done online using any major search engine.

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